Here's what those crazy Hartman's have been up to:
Sunday: I went and tried a new church (to me). It's the Chico Calvary Baptist Church in the old Movies 10 building behind the mall. I've heard many a good thing about it so I thought I'd give it a try. They've turned the concessions area into a coffee house and all the obnoxious neon colors are still there inside. They have their service in the biggest of the movie rooms where you sit in the old purple movie chairs. Kind of weird. Then down at the base of the screen they have a little stage where the band is and the preacher hangs out. Good music, good preacher, a little weird to be sitting so close to people (I had strangers on both sides of me). I think I'll go again this Sunday. Other than that, all it did was rain.
Monday: I made salmon stuffed with crab and other creamy goodness from Trader Joe's. I served them on top of beds of a mushroom rice and a side of yellow and green beans. Yummy!
Tuesday: Chris was in town Monday during the afternoon so he stopped at the used book store and picked up some new reading material. He found a copy of a Nelson DeMille book that I don't have so I'm reading that one first while he reads about Nut-zis.
Wednesday: I made shopping list and watched the second half of Biggest Loser. Yep, that's it. And we had potstickers and eggrolls for dinner. We're out of control!
Thursday: It was b.s. night at Lulu's who just lives down on the other half of Ceres (convenient, huh?). Lulu's husband, Bill, had called me the night before and invited Chris out to dinner with him and Kari's husband, Steve, to Tres Hombres. Much to my surprise the Canadian accepted the offer, so he came with me Thursday night to Lulu's to meet up with the other spouses for their "boy's night". We had a delicious chicken and avocado salad and the boys got back just in time for the homemade berry pie dessert. Lulu cut, I plated, and Chris served. For our efforts, Lulu sent us home with an extra slice and some extra berry filling to put over ice cream. Score! The other big event for the day was that we each picked up our glasses. Chris swung by during lunch and got his and I came by later in the afternoon, during my lunch and picked up mine. We're hawt! That's how hot we are. I think my IQ just automatically jumped into the double digits as soon as I put them on. Please keep in mind the photo does not do them justice. A: I don't take great photos, and B: I had a drunk Canadian holding the camera.
Today: Damn you City Cash Coupons, damn you for tricking me into coming back to New York and Company to spend you!!! I had coupons for $45 off of $90 so how could I not?! Thankfully, a lot of the stuff I would have bought (in addition to what I did buy) was out of my size so I had to settle for 5 new shirts and a new pair of slacks. Yes, that's what I call settling. I think my new glasses give me the perception that I look so good in all these clothes that I just have to have them. Yes, it's the glasses fault.
Coming Attractions: We're going to the 'rents tomorrow night under the pretenses of "red meat". At least that's what they promised the Canadian. Whatever it is I'm sure it will be good seeing as how I didn't have to cook it or clean up after it. We're also eyeballing Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist from the Red Box. Stay tuned. I've also somehow conned Chris into agreeing to sign up for the Bidwell Classic with me next Saturday morning. It's a whole slew of different races, but we're signing up for the 5K (3.1 miles). I've already done a couple of those so I know I won't keel over and die (at least not in the first 5 minutes). A co-worker asked me to do it with her and while I was telling (secretly encouraging Chris to join) about it he thought it sounded like a good idea. It's a bike path race over by one mile. I say "race", but it's not like I plan to actually beat anybody unless they're crippled or under the age of 2. I do it to remind myself how much I hate running. And because nobody else I know does it so it gives me certain bragging rights. I figure a 3 mile run right after waking up will warrant us a big steaming hot breakfast at the Golden Waffle afterwards. Mmm...I can taste the waffles now...