On our way home I got a call from Wilson who was in Chico and ready to bring me my gift. How could I refuse?
Mum and Mr. A. (well really Mum) got me a dress jacket from Coldwater Creek. Need I say more? It's not something I would have picked out, but I trust her taste and will try to find something to wear it with. It's a dark, dark navy (almost a light black) jacket with no buttons or zippers and has a bunch of embroidery around the edges and small metal discs that almost look like sequins, but they're metal. It makes a jingly sound when I shake it. It needs a photo to fully express the design. It probably cost a million dollars so by God I'm going to wear it and like it! I just don't know what with...
This morning the old man and I couldn't sleep in so we got up and were going to go to breakfast at our favorite place, Country Waffle, downtown and then to the farmer's market. However, once again, the restaurant was closed for what appears to be renovations. Of course, this is the one time we actually have a coupon (buy one get one) and it will expire on the 20th. I'm going to make them honor it even after that date. No fair sending coupons out in the mail and then closing your business for the time the coupon's good for. Anyway we continued on the farmer's market and got some more jicama, cucumbers and onions. I'm tired of cherry tomatoes and Chris didn't want any fruit. The feel of the farmer's market is definitely changing towards fall. More squash and oranges and apples now. For breakfast we actually ended up buying breakfast burritos from Speedy Burrito (home of the big fat burrito - Jessica) who always has a little booth there. We both got chorizo burritos and they were yummy. I've had bigger and fatter burritos, but this was just right for breakfast. We brought them home and made some of our spooky Harry & David halloween coffee with it. Mmm...
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