Monday: Stopped at lookout point, where they've made a lovely visitor parking/viewing area, on the way home from work.
Tuesday: We watched fat camp as per usual. This year we have chosen to despise the silver team, Carla and Joelle. Please vote them off next, Jesus, please.
Wednesday: Finished working on my bible study. We've been on a break for most of January while our new books were being ordered. We've moved our meeting day to Thursday instead of Wednesday which is nice because I don't get home until late, but I get to sleep in on Fridays.
Thursday: I rescheduled my usual Friday nail appointment for Thursday afternoon because I had to stay home with Chris on Friday since he was scheduled for the first part of his tooth implant (ouch). I also had bible study that night in P-town at my co-worker's, Denise's, house. She has the house on the canyon that Chris and I housesat for last fall.
Friday: Chris had to have the post for his tooth implant drilled into his jaw at 9:00 am in the morning. After this we wait 4-6 months for the bone to heal around the post and then we go to one of his other dentists to have the actual tooth screwed on. He's doing okay other then the fact that he didn't sleep at all last night. The drugs kept him up so he's really groggy this morning. But not too groggy to go work in the garage on his toys!
Today, while he's in the garage, I'm running over to Target to check out some workout pants that have been on sale this week. Then I'm going over to New York and Company to see if there's anything worth while for my 40% purchase coupon. Tonight we're having dinner with the 'rents (per their invitation) at Italian Cottage. I should have known that since they love Sin of Cortez (disgusting breakfast food), they would love Italian Cottage (equally disgusting dinner food). Oh well, there's always soup, right? I'm also 80% done with my latest scrapbook page about Wilson's tattoo.
Alright, gotta boogey, I don't want to miss out on all the good sale stuff!
My subscription to CK lapsed in January, I renewed, but still haven't received any magazines this year. So I've heard about the 365 from the CK message board, but never read about it in the magazine.
For the record, a very scientific poll done by me proves that the silver team, on BL is the worstest team ever in the history of teams. Although watching Bob completely flip out was funny, so there is that one possible good thing.
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