Saturday, September 15, 2012

Something new

We tried a new recipe last night for sausage stuffed zucchinis that came together with delicious results.

I cut two zucchinis in half and spooned out the guts to create a zucchini boat (which I blanched in boiling water for 1 minute) while I sauteed diced red bell pepper and sausage.  Then I diced up the zucchini guts and added it to the filling mix before scooping it all into the hollowed out zucchinis. I put the boats in an 8x8 with a little marinara sauce in the bottom, then topped each zucchini with more sauce and some cheese (for the boy). Finally you cover it with foil and bake for about 35 minutes.By then the zucchini are nice and soft and everything is piping hot. I have a similar recipe for chicken enchilada filling in zucchinis that I'm going to make for bible study and I'm sure, if they're anything like these sausage zucchinis, they'll be delicious!

Last Sunday we had a fundraiser potluck dinner at church called "Stump the Pastor". I had to go ("get to go" as Chris always corrects me) because I'm on the church's finance committee, but it really did end up to be a lot of fun. I didn't make anything since I hate wasting my special gluten free stuff on mere commoners so I ran to Safeway and bought a pound of their Tuscan pesto salad which it way better than anything I could make anyway. Attendees were asked to bring quotes from either the bible or movies that we would take turns asking in an effort to "stump the pastor" who is a huge movie connoisseur.

I brought two movie quotes, both of which he nailed;
"Ok wait. If you guys are really us, what number are we thinking of? 69 duuuuuudes!" (Bill & Ted) and
"Always with the negative waves Moriarty, always with the negative waves" (Kelly's Heros)
The second one made him laugh and everyone in the (older) audience started reminiscing about all the actors in that movie. Of course one of the quotes that did stump the pastor was one that Chris knew before I even finished retelling it to him because it was from one of the world's worst movies - Dumb & Dumber. Am I surprised that the Canadian can quote almost that entire stupid movie? No. I mean, Jim Carrey is a national treasure to his people....and that's why they cannot be trusted.

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