Friday, May 9, 2014

Evening of Wine & Chocolate

Tonight was the Chocolate Fest Evening of Wine & Chocolate in P-town so my co-worker, Dina, and I bought tickets to go together. The event started at 7:00 pm at the community park so we got there right when it opened so we could be first in line at the sample tables.

There was also a silent auction at which I bid on two baskets. One with a glass necklace and earring set and one with a bottle of port and six tasting glasses. And as luck would have it, and because I stood and hovered for the last few minutes to outbid any last minute vultures, I won both baskets! So much fun and with great company - I'll definitely be back next year!

1 comment:

kath said...

That necklace will look great on you. As for the chocolate...I'm sure it's gone by now so there's no use asking you to save me a piece!