Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter dinner

As it turned out, nobody in my bible study group had plans for Easter so we decided that we (and our other halves) should get together for Easter dinner. Lulu and Bill said they'd make the ham so the rest of us brought sides. I made roasted asparagus and deviled eggs (made with ranch dressing and bacon) and the boy brought a selection of meads. Kari was kind enough to host - mainly because Bill & Lulu are moving in 5 days, our house isn't big enough, and Paul & Sheila had company.
Since Paul & Sheila had company (their son Kyle and his partner Joey) they only came over for drinks, but the boys made sure to try some of Chris' mead that they'd heard all about;
For dinner we had ham, scalloped potatoes, pineapple souffle, asparagus, and rolls. It was all delicious, and because we had less people eating than we thought, we ended up with a mega bag of leftover ham. Chris had the biggest smile on his face as he cradled his bag o' ham. We had a lovely evening full of old people conversation, just like we like it!

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