Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Secretary's Day

While Jessica and Tyler were busy hugging whales and saving the planet, I was busy at work reaping the benefits of Professional Administrative Assistant's Day, which I believe is a glorified way of saying Secretary's Day. My boss is Al, the Community Development Director who oversees Planning, Building and Code Enforcement. The other boss is Dennis who keeps an eye on Engineering, Sanitation and Public Works. They've learned that it's easier to do something together for the office ladies than each taking care of their own staff. This year they brought us all vases of roses (picked from the yards of Dennis and one of our Engineers, Radley):

They were so cool because every bouquet was different:

In addition to flowers they also arranged for a breakfast spread from Juice and Java to be delivered. There were bagels, muffins, coffee and orange juice. I couldn't eat any of it, but I did have some delicious coffee.

This week has gone by crazy fast. I've just had a ton of stuff at work going on. Meetings, meetings and then some more meetings. Oye!

A note of highlight, though. We made the seafood chowder soup mix Jessica bought us at Christmas. I bought a frozen mixed bag of scallops, shrimp and calamari from Trader's to throw in. Other than that you just had to add some crumbled bacon and a can of evaporated milk to the mix of seasonings and dried potatoes. It was absolutely delicious. And even better as leftovers the next day because it thickened up a bit.

Now we just have left a wild rice and chicken soup to make. Of course I waited until the weather was in the 90's before I made the chowder. Nothing says summer like a nice hot house and hot soup!

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