Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Christmas Spirit

I spent my Friday off yesterday shopping and lunching with Mum. I took her to T Bar for lunch, tea and turkey talk. We made our plans for Thanksgiving since realistically we're the only two who really care what or when we eat. Mum's making the turkey, mashed potatoes (apparently a mix between russet and sweet), artichoke stuffing (per my request) and brandied cranberries. Chris and I are in charge of the veggies, bread and dessert. I love green bean casserole, but I'm not sure that everybody else does so we'll see what we decide for a veggie.

Since I had a good amount of my sourdough starter, Eduardo, in the fridge I starting prepping him yesterday morning for waffles today. They're so tasty and different I don't think we'll ever tire of them.
The only bad part about them is having to continue to cook up the whole batter all morning. Just because we're done eating doesn't mean I'm anywhere near done making them, but at least breakfast will be a snap tomorrow. Maybe I will make some when everyone comes to visit....

After breakfast we ran out and did some errands. We needed new Christmas lights for this year and a timer, a new smoke detector, the Canadian needed a haircut, and I had photos to pick up from Wal-Fart. When we got home Chris went right to work putting up all of our lights. First he installed some new solar walkway lights along the side of the garage.
Then he starting putting up Christmas lights. Yes, I know we're early, but we're always the last ones on the block to get ours up. But not this year suckas!
We also bought a couple of strands for the back pergola. I've been wanting lights out there ever since we moved in and finally my dreams came true...
We bought all LED lights this year so hopefully we don't see our PG&E bill go through the roof for all these lights we put up. Chris bought two timers, one for the fronts and one for the rears, and set them to come on at 5:30 pm and shut off at 10:00 pm.

If you want to see photos of the front lights in action, look at the Canadian's blog.

I spent all afternoon cooped up in my craft room cranking out Mum's 2010 calendar. Some of the photos I printed at Wally World were for January thru October of the calendar. And I actually finished all the pages today. I just have to take photos at Thanksgiving and probably use Christmas photos from last year, or use our Christmas card photo.

I'm guessing we'll be spending some time tomorrow getting the Canadian packed. He leaves for Macau Monday evening after work. Pack some plaid shirts and plaid shorts so he can impress the natives with his dress savvy.

Party, my house next week!

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