Sunday, January 2, 2011

Coming to you in 3-D

We went to the movie theater again today for Chris' much beloved and high anticipated Tron. And since we were already going to be wasting two hours of our lives, why not waste it in 3-D?
I was a little disappointed that they weren't the old cheesy red and blue plastic lenses, but at least these ones actually fit back over your ears. Neither one of us had ever watched a 3-D movie before and it's pretty cool. Even some of the movie trailers were in 3-D, like the newest Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I hope this experience doesn't ruin us like our first time watching HD television where from that point forward nothing else was good enough. We'll be those snobs who buy the new 3-D televisions and ridicule those who watch ghetto 2-D television. Yeah, that's us.

1 comment:

Lisa Dovichi said...

Does Chris know you have a beardless guy impersonating him in 3D glasses?