Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Babysitter's Club

We did it! We managed to take care of two little boys for an hour and a half without any damage to them or the house! Of course it wasn't all fun and games, we did make them earn their keep by providing us with manual labor. We had about three more wheelbarrow loads of dirt to move out of the driveway and to the side of the house so we put them in charge of taking out the big rocks and roots.

After sweating them into an inch of their lives I took mercy and replenished them with push pops. Sponge Bob push pops to be exact.

We spent a little inside time watching toons (Handy "Mandy" and Phineas & Ferb) and playing dice which was literally just throwing the dice and counting the numbers. Fun times!!
Susan dressed up both the boys in plaid so that they would fit in with Uncle Chris.

Connor's favorite toy was the wooden dragon that sits up in the front window. He would point at it and growl and then laugh hysterically.
Susan came back for the munchkins at 11:45 am. Immediately that made Connor say 'good bye', wave and smile at us and head for the door. Too funny.

They were both so well behaved that it was no problem to watch them other than I didn't have a single thing to entertain them with other than push pops and juice boxes. I need to have an emergency supply of little kid board games and books or buy a treadmill for them to play on and wear themselves out with. Eeeeexcellent.

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