Sunday, May 10, 2009

Look at our garden grow!

I went out back today to do a welfare check on our little veggie garden. It is growing like gangbusters. Our cherry tomatoes have quadrupled in size and the squash is starting to take over the planter box.
Here are the baby crookneck squash. They're perfect dollhouse size.
There's probably about 10 of them started. In the planter box we've got three paddy pan squash plants going:
We also planted about 5 heads of butter lettuce. One of them looks ready to eat and I think we'll be picking the leaves tonight:
The japanese eggplant is coming along nicely too, but no baby eggplants showing yet. We also have a banana pepper and a red bell pepper growing, but they seem to be taking their sweet time about it. Same with the lemon cucumbers. Oh well, we'll soon have all the fixin's for salad.

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