Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bounty of awesomeness

Last night we went to the 'rents to celebrate our leather anniversary (3 years) and as a parting gift we got some kitchenwares and food items that Mum doesn't want to haul back to Medford when they move next month,
and she gave me these three magazines that her mom had kept since she was a teen. They're Vogue and Mademoiselle from 1964. You cannot believe the sweet, sweet fashions of 1964!
Everything is about the new age of man-made materials (polyester, Lycra, etc). Every other ad is for some sort of support wear (girdles, girdles and more girdles) and the back is full of classified ads for secretarial schools. I love it! I'm taking these to work and sharing their glory with my co-workers who remember back when Vogue apparently only cost .60 an issue. Where's my kohl eyeliner? There's an intuitive article on the perfect cat eye.

This morning we woke up "early" (8:30 ish), showered and made a run for the waffle house. We had some errands to run and only the waffle house could fuel our body and minds for the daunting experience of Ross.
The Waffle Combo and the one egg breakfast. It's like heaven on a plate with a side of mediocre coffee.

Apparently the Canadian wanted to look at Ross for plaid shirts that he could cut up to make a seat cover for Ratty. Instead, he found nothing and I ended up buying four dresses. How does that happen? Next we ran next door to JoAnn's where he did find a nice red and black tartan for only $4.99 a yard. Armed with a staple gun, some spray glue and a yard of fabric he's got some crafty plans for this afternoon.

1 comment:

kath said...

Too bad I didn't keep some of my plaid skirts from the 60's...Chris would have had some "authentic" material for Ratty! Mum