Thursday, August 5, 2010

Final countdown

Phew, the week is almost over. It's been full of meetings, deadlines and staff reports. Today was one meeting after another including a regional transit meeting down in Chico, but at least on the way home I got to stop at Jamba Juice for a little late morning treat.
Look at how talented I am driving while drinking and photographing. But at least I'm not being irresponsible and talking on my cell phone, right?

I went shopping at CholoMaxx tonight and got most of my list taken care of so I can spend my Friday afternoon really enjoying myself by cleaning the house. Oh joy. Didn't I just do that? Oh yeah, I'm married to a tornado of devastation.


Lisa Dovichi said...

Hey if you really want to enjoy your Friday you should come here and do my chores and change diapers. That'd be the funnest!

Susana & Chris said...

Your idea of fun has been completely skewed by having children. Seriously.