Saturday, January 9, 2010


Yesterday was my pre-op appointment with my doctor for my tummy surgery. Chris met me at the doctor's office at 1:00 pm so that we could wait together for an hour to see him for a 15 minutes appointment. Isn't that always the way? He just showed Chris and I, again, where he would do the incisions and talked to us about post-op care. He said I had good muscle tone on the sides of my stomach so he didn't think he'd have to relocate much muscle which means quicker recovery and less pain. Chris found out what the best resting position would be for me (reclined on the couch with a pillow under my knees) for daytime and night time. We don't meet with him again until the day of the surgery which is scheduled for Wednesday, January 20th at 7:30 am. Now I'm starting to get nervous...

Last night I went to a going away dinner party for a co-worker at Casa Ramos in Chico. Lots of people showed up which is good considering we weren't coming straight from work or anything. I left Sir-Snots-Alot at home with a Jack in the Box jumbo meal while I enjoyed a hot bowl of tortilla soup and about two baskets of tortilla chips.

I couldn't fall asleep for anything last night so I finally gave up at 3:30 am and took a couple of old, outdated Tylenol PM pills which knocked me out until about 10:30 this morning. Funny thing was that Chris was conked out too from his Nyquil so he had no idea he was sleeping that late either. We weren't fed, showered and ready to conquer the world until about 1:00 pm which is slightly pathetic. We spent most of the afternoon today running errands. I had some photos waiting at Wally World to be picked up, we needed to pick up a Barnes and Noble gift card for Mr. A's birthday tomorrow and we told Mum we'd pick him up a birthday pie too since she isn't feeling well enough to go out. The best place for fruit pies? Marie Callender's of course. While there, the Canadian suggested we have lunch while we were there. A little soup and salad bar, which seems innocent enough except that he has gotten sick every single time we've eaten there. Promising not to get the blue cheese dressing, the puking instigator, he had a successful experience this time.
I, on the other hand, had to come home and lay down because my stomach was sooo unhappy at the combination of food I had introduced it to. Oh well.

During my food coma nap Chris rudely woke me up to come out and watch our floral arrangement and floor lamp sway back and forth from earthquake trembles. I couldn't feel them in my body, but I sure saw the stuff moving.

We're just sitting around enjoying some Saturday night football tonight. I keep eyeballing the Christmas tree telling myself that I need to take it down, but then I get side tracked by super important stuff, like blogging. Yeah, it's the blog's fault.

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