Sunday, October 31, 2010


So, we were giant Scrooge McDucks this year and didn't buy/carve any pumpkins or put up any decorations and we're not dressing up. I was just too lazy to go dig out the Halloween decoration box and we weren't too keen on putting any time or effort into carving pumpkins just to be stolen again. I'm not a total failure though, I mean, I did buy some candy for the little beggars.
I bought about 200 pieces of candy, which should make it through all the trick-or-treaters. In the past we've only had about 20-30 kids during the evening. But the biggest kid, Chris, will account for at least a third of the candy on his own. He already had me pull a piece of each kind out for him because if I ran out he wouldn't just be a sad panda, he'd be an angry panda.

In Hartman Halloween tradition we're having our Papa Murphy's jack-o-lantern pizza for dinner.
This year I stopped off at S&S and picked up a hard apple cider to go with it. Chris will of course sample one of many beers in the fridge, but I wanted a little something special too - that didn't taste like dog piss. Scooby Doo, who bagged my groceries, agreed that it looked delicious. We're eating early so that I can be ready to pounce on the door when the doorbell mayhem starts at sundown.

1 comment:

Lisa Dovichi said...

Awwww isn't the pizza cute. It doesn't look at all like the Pumpkin Pizza Alex invented. LOL

So how did it go? Get a lot of trick or treaters? The ninja and the skeleton pulled in respective amounts of candy. The skeleton could've cared less he was happy chewing on the ninja's little dagger sword. The ninja has huge eyes and can't keep from smelling the bowl and touching the candy. He reminds me of Gollum as he strokes the bowl and says, "We wants candy my precious... my precious."