Sunday, July 11, 2010

Seriously gross

Yesterday we found ourselves being ambushed by a gang of bad-ass ants that were appearing from under Chris' side of the couch. Frustrated at continuously brushing them off of our feet and legs, Chris finally declared martial law this morning and announced that we were going to move the couches away from the wall and clean underneath of them after 3 years of blissful ignorance. Of course his side was worse because he's a tornado of debris, but crap almighty, it was gnarly.
No wonder the ants were coming in, look at all those tasty treats. On the second shelf of the coffee table was an inch thick layer of nuts, chips and toenail clippings. Gag.
While we had everything moved, we even took down the window blinds for a complete hose down outside.
Our neighbor, Heath, works for a glass company and had given us the most magically bottle of window cleaner ever, so right now Chris is out front applying said window cleaner to the outside of the front windows trying to scrub off the hard water stains from years of sprinklers.
While the end product isn't crystal clear it's a bagillion times better than it was and that's good enough for us!

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